Here is a brief overview of Hyperdimensional Entity Implants:
Q: What are they?
A: H.E.I are lower astral/etheric energy structures that attach to our bio energetic bodies – not just our chakras & bio energy field, but the etheric layers of our physical body: dna, brain, heart, GI, kidneys, liver organs/glands/tissues etc.
Entity Implants are spiritual, mental, emotional & physical parasites, viruses & attach via psychic chords/hooks/plugs that disrupt & distort our whole psyche.
Implants can cause both physical & energetic distortions & mutate our templates, triggering more pain & trauma, depending on the nature of the implant.
Many of us experience multiple implant attachments at some point in our lives, keeping us locked in perpetual states of fear, panic, anger, depression, or chronic fatigue/inertia, can cause unexplainable autoimmune disorders such as ME, fybromyalgia, & other such body trauma, as well as inflammation in the body that can develop in to other dis-eases.
No amount of healing will return your to a natural state of balance unless the implant/s is removed/dissolved, & one is working on their own mental & emotional pain distortions to prevent the implant from returning.

We can ‘create’ our own implants > coping/defence/protection or survival mechanisms instigated through adverse personal experiences &/or traumatic events.

Implants are also external devices, some being ‘beneficial’ or life saving, such as the many different medical or aesthetic implants, while hyperdimensional implants are used for mind control & other nefarious agendas as control mechanisms: political, social, economic, religious, cult, & other such, via black magic subconscious imprinting.
Examples of Hyperdimensional Entity Implants:
Etheric Implants/Alien/AI Implants
Trauma & Addiction Implants
Mind Control/Black Magic Implants
Chakra Overlay – Syphoning Implants & DNA mutations/Physical Implants
Implants can pull us off our soul path, block our spiritual & personal growth & potential, keeping us locked in negative loops, stuck in old past/present life stories or create false stories & illusions to perpetuate continuous miasma patterning.
Implants drain or suck our life force energy.
Depending on the nature of the implants, one can become physically sick.
Does this resonate?

I’m running a Self Healing Implant Removal course in October, check upcoming courses on the menu tab.

You will learn about the different types of implants, & how to remote view & remove your own implants, & reconfigure your DNA & collective Light Body, for Bio Energy Regenesis.
You will learn tools to continuously help yourself as we create & receive implants throughout our lives due to the nature of the world we live in.
** If you are a Healer you can also use these processes to help others if you feel confident after the masterclass, otherwise you may be called to join my Akashic Facilitator Training.
** NOTE:
Not suitable for beginners due to the intensity.
This weekend masterclass intensive is a live interactive 5 – 6 hours, over 2 days.

WhatsApp or Email  to be added to the registration list & private training group.

  • WA or Telegram:
    + 44 (0) 7496454628
  • Email:


You can check out Mia’s work or experience an implant removal or Akashic reading @

Or to become a certified Akashic Record & Quantum Bio Spiritual Regenesis Facilitator, to read & clear the Records & bio energy structures for others, visit

akashic record. quantum healing