The Akasha Teachings: Academy Of Healing Arts


Welcome to The Akasha Teachings Academy Of Healing Arts.

I’m Mia, Creator & Facilitator


I invite you to join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery & embodiment through The Akasha Teachings, a space to help you embody a deeper level of alchemy & quantum resonance.

My passion is to help each called to delve into the profound wisdom of their own akashic / quantum field, to unlock their deepest soul truths so each may integrate their actual purpose & potential.

The sacred explorations one will experience through akashic communication, will help empower you to embrace & nurture your innate wisdom, & foster a clearer path where your aspirations become reality as you realign your human actions with your deepest soul desires.


After working through my own traumas & limitations over many years & desiring more joy & fulfilment in my work as a healing facilitator, I finally achieved the most profound transformation when I began working with the akashic record around 10 years ago.

As such, I love to work more specifically with healers & way-showers also desiring deeper levels of alchemy, growth & expansion, as I more deeply align with this path.

Like myself, healers are often HSP – ‘super’ empaths, & need support & nurturing so they may sustain their energy to better serve their community, & help to attain a deeper level of self mastery, thus awakening the dormant portals to their own inherent magic & wisdom so they may embody their TRUE soul potential, thus facilitating a deeper level of alchemy for their loved ones & own community.

All people need to actualise their own magic & mastery is to liberate themselves from within the confines of their own mind matrix: the mental constraints that prevent one from stepping in to their individuality & spiritual authority.

My programs are more accelerator pathways, carefully structured to wholistically restore the bio energy body templates that become damaged & distorted as a result of our experiences, so each may attain harmony & symbiosis in resonance with the Spiritual Laws that govern our space time matrix.

From this newly embodied frequency, we become pattern disruptors, catalysts & facilitators of change, & equally, help those around us to flourish.

The Akasha shows individuals their abilities, strengths, power, who they are, why they are here, what they are capable of, what they can BE.

The Teachings are metaphysical in nature, yet practical, working epigenetically: transforming the cellular body through mind mastery.

We each have the potential to reprogram our neural pathways & re-create by the power of intention, imagination, & embodied manifestation, which are the universal/spiritual laws of nature.
I have studied the work of Joe Dispenza & Bruce Lipton for many years, both pioneers in epigenetics & transforming lives.

We all carry our own unique encryption/spiritual coding, which contains the intelligence of our multi lifetime existences & experiences, our Soul & Human expression, which pre-determines our individualism & what is available within our own personal Quantum or Akashic Field.

All of this information is held in our Higher Mental Body Plane, known in ancient Sanskrit texts as the Akashic Record (or ‘Cosmic Mind’). 

Through the wisdom of this body, may you unleash all that is Divinely & abundantly available to you, so you may actualise the life YOU CHOOSE.

For more detail, see below or head to the menu tab above. 

Please feel free to reach out to arrange a FREE consultation via the contact tab below, to see how best I may serve you.

Look forward to being a part of your journey.


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akashic record
Below Are My Core Signature Programs.
Please visit Menu Tab For More Courses & Facilitations.
“Akashic Record & Multidimensional Healing Facilitator Certification”
An advanced training program for energy/reiki healers/spiritual teachers/coaches who wish to offer more advanced healing & transformation to their client community, working with comprehensive Akashic Record Reading & Healing protocols + Quantum Bio Energy/Spiritual Recoding® Method, a powerful combination to help healers & their clients expand/advance/activate their own unique Creator Potential.
This program will help facilitators attain rapid, deeper more sustainable results for their clients, while also expanding their client reach as this powerful body of work is faciliated remotely/online for clients, thus reaching a wider audience.
Next Program starts 14 & 15 September  > TAP HERE < for more info. 
“Akashic Reading/Clearing + Multidimensional Healing Sessions”
A variation of akashic healing programs to help each ready to dive deeper in to the soul sucking emotional/mental pains, often a result of unresolved or unhealed karmic soul contracts/traumas, fears, & psychic interferences, etc. that can create spiritual/soul or abundance life blocks & limitations.
I will look in to your past/present life psyche to help you to identify & clear the above associated negative contracts/quantum entanglements/entity & implant attachments/spiritual parasites/psychic attacks etc. that prevent you from embodying your Creator potential & shining your Light.
“Multidimensional Healing & Embodiment Online Course”
This program helps healers & way-showers to restore their 12 dimensional light body anatomy, to progressively facilitate the embodiment of their own inner avatar & monadic creator potential.
Many healers come to me for guidance because they are stuck in their own fear & survival loops, inadequacy, imposter complexes, afraid to be seen & shine their light, or step fully in to their roles as healers, mostly because they are neglecting their own shadow work as they are too busy taking care of others, or just too tired after a day of facilitating.
However, it is fundamental for we healers to do our daily energetic mastery, clearing the spiritual parasites/entities that can prevent us from shining our light. To not do so, often leads to eventual overwhelm/sickness, or feeling like an imposter/fake, or out of spiritual integrity.
This GEM is just > £255 <
& consists of 12 x course sessions + a BONUS entity clearing webinar!

Akashic Records Training & Akashic Reading.

Wow Mia I’m blown away by this training, it is so powerful, I have cleared so much over the last year since working with you, especially after the akashic reading, & now with the training., wow! The transmissions & clearings are so incredibly powerful! I find I am connecting so much more to the different energies available as a result. My own spiritual practice is so much more powerful since connecting to my Records. I’m also feeling much more connected to others & to my own body. I feel so aligned to your teachings & I’m so very grateful to have been guided to you. This work is truly next level as you said it was, I under-estimated your words lol

See you next week. Love Anna.

Anna - Lena

Yoga Teacher, Embodiment Coach & Spiritual Mentor

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