I’m Mia, Creator & Facilitator of The Akasha Teachings: My signature AKASHIC RECORD & QUANTUM HEALING Accelerator Programs currently creating quantum shifts in my community!
You will learn how to read the akashic record & *instantaneously* release disruptive root blocks / programs & symptomatic distortions imprinted within the subconscious cellular memory matrix *Akashic Record* & *Multidimensional Morphogenetic Field* so both you & your clients may cultivate a Higher & more empowered path of spiritual sovereignty, & self liberate from the confines of the lower mind matrix.
This training is structured to help you as a Facilitator to self cultivate impactful manifestations through the progressive reconfiguration & realignment of your own multidimensional blueprint, allowing you to facilitate more powerful shifts & transformative healings for your community.
My Akashic Readings are comprehensive transformation programs!
The Akashic Record INVITES you to dive deeper in to your shadow body to release the soul blocking patterns & programs caused by negative quantum entanglements, toxic attachments & trauma bonding, entity & implant intrusions, manipulation from imposter guides/false light, unresolved past life karmic contracts, astral disturbances & psychic hooks & interferences, & so on, that block spiritual alchemy & evolution, abundance & expansion, keeping you phase locked in the lower density grid.
Our personal Akashic Field is basically our subconscious body, & holds the truth & wisdom of our innate GIFTS & INHERENT POTENTIAL!
The Record can show us where we are out of integrity & balance, commonly caused by unprocessed trauma, entity attachments & energetic anchors (implants or seals) imprinted in to our four body system, much of which has been inflicted upon humanity at large via the distorted systems that have caused so much pain & suffering over millennia, causing energetic inversions & reversals within our holographic templates.
These inversions / reversals create further trauma in our body templates, often resulting in soul splitting / fragmentation, disconnection & disembodiment of our higher mind & multidimensional (soul) body.
These distortions accumulate, creating discordant shadow body programming that influences our beliefs & perceptions, all of which keeps us playing small, negatively influencing our reality, determined by the energetic program encoded in to the attachment structures.
The Akasha Teachings are metaphysical in nature, yet practical & grounded in epigenetics, transforming the cellular & molecular body.
We each have the potential to reprogram our neural pathways & re-create by the power of intention, imagination, manifestation, which are all spiritual laws of nature.
I have trained & studied the work of Joe Dispenza & Bruce Lipton for many years, both pioneers in epigenetics & transforming peoples’ lives, & my Akashic & Quantum Healing programs are based around the foundations of subconscious / cellular reprogramming, from simplistic yet impactful methods.
We all carry our own unique encryption/codex, which contains the intelligence of our multi lifetime experiences & our Soul expression, which influences our individualism & what is available within our own personal Quantum Field.
All of this information is held in our Higher Mental Body Plane, known in ancient Sanskrit texts as the Akashic Record (or ‘Cosmic Mind’).
Through the wisdom of this body, may you unleash all that is Divinely & abundantly available to you, so you may actualise the life YOU CHOOSE
As such, I love to work more specifically with healers & way-showers who seek deeper levels of alchemy & expansion, as I more deeply align with this path.
After a burn out through constant giving, I realised that we Healers also need the support & guidance of Mentors, so we may sustain our energy & continue attaining deeper levels of mastery, to continue the path of growth, awakening dormant portals to our own inherent wisdom, so we may embody our TRUE & fullest soul potential, thus facilitating a deeper levels of alchemy for our community.
It is easy to get lost in our clients, that so we forget to keep doing our own inner work, & this can result in stagnancy, limitation, becoming blocked, drained, losing our way through our own unresolved pains & the mental constraints that eventually catch up with us.
I’m here to help you as a healer quickly find your way back to your greatest potential, wholistically restoring your power, so you may continue to fulfil & attain the highest spiritual resonance in alignment with your TRUE soul path.