Implant & Entity Removal + Light Body Reconfiguration


Most individuls will experience entity and/or implant intrusions at some point during their life.

Many of these intrusions are commonly caused by one’s own shadows; unprocessed traumas, unrationalised & internalised thought projections that result in thought viruses/parasites that feel like psychic/astral attacks from demonic entities, or objects hooked in to the bio energy fields.

There are of course a myriad of external intrusions, from relatively harmless lost souls/wayward beings who need to attach to us to vampire energy to sustain their own quantum, to collective thought & energetic projections that manipulate & influence our beliefs & vibration.

Then there are the more sinister intrusions from malevolent forces: negative/soul-less beings, often driven by nefarious/dark sources that want to use our body as it’s host, to continue their SRA. These forces use complex grid implant network & radio wave technology to manipulate collective energy, thoughts, consciousness, to gain & maintain control as they attempt to harness & trap the collective soul body.

Many of these external sources have been unwittingly implanted in to our fields during contractual trickery, or invited by individuals during personal or group invocations, healing sessions, or where a facilitator is invoking on one’s behalf during rituals & ceremonies or from energetic attunements & other such. These entities are often imposter beings, dark light forces masquerading as light/loved ones, ancestors, guides, ascended masters, angels, gods & such, & run ai ‘astral bliss’ programs in to our fields so we feel good & allow the energy in to our fields.


The session is done remotely, however we will meet on a short 20 mins call so I may prepare you & connect to your soul body & energy fields. (Note: I do not enter your fields, nor do I work with other beings, I work with your multidimensional body to clear these intrusions).

I start by scanning your fields to identify for any intrusions from spiritual parasites /imposter spirits, malevolent beings /lost souls/discarnates, any etheric or alien /ai implant technology, associated mind control or emotionally disruptive programs, soul contracts, soul harnessing/hijacking & associated fragmentation, any occult/black magic, & other contractual agreements that may be locking you in to dark or destructive holographic realities, perhaps a result of invocations, attunements or channelling & such.

I will extract & neutralise what I can during the session, & follow this with a Light Body/DNA template restructuring to repair any distortions left by the implants, restoring your bio energy body templates to optimum.

After 7 days, I will follow up & remotely scan your fields again, to check in to see if anything has returned, & will remove anything I find. This is done remotely, no call necessary, however I will feed back any issues.


Some entities & implants need more than one extraction attempt, as the technology behind it can be complex, particularly in terms of ai or alien structures, as they can re-form, especially if there is a contract/agreement in place, made in another lifetime/dimensional reality field, or the intrusion is attached to any uprocessed trauma/fears/stuck low vibrational emotion or mental body distortion.

Also important to note, in terms of alien/ai technology, a healer cannot always remove an entity or an implant for another, as stated above, it largely depends on the nature of the implant, & how advanced the technology behind the entity/implant is. Some implants have to be released by the host.

In this case, we will arrange another session & work together to release the entity/implant/s, as it is a much deeper process when the individual helps to release these complex intrusions. Through experience, I observe that some clients needs to be involved for the work to be sustainable.

This work can be quite a complicated process, & each session is unique .. there may be hidden entities & contracts & other factors behind it. This will determine after sometime, as you will be aware if the implant/entity has returned or if there is any residue distortion. I do endevour to release as much as I can, often with success, but there are some powerful external forces at work.

You will determine if you need more sessions after your body has had some time to integrate. The integration is progressive as the whole body consciousness shifts & religns, & it can be 2-3 weeks before any shifts are integrated.

One session may be enough, but there may be a deeper level of work involved, depending on the nature of the intrusions & associated traumas.

During the light body healing/clearing, I do some energetic adjustments & realignments around the core area/s where the attachment is/was, to neutralise all threads/chords/plugs, & fill the voids to prevent the entity/implant returning ..

Sessions last approximately 2 hours, & can be intense, so I recommend to give yourself some free time afterwards so you can process & integrate the work we do.
Please feel free to reach out for a consultation & we can determine the best course of action for you based on your needs. You can reach me via the book now tab below.
Please feel free to watch my free entity removal webinar, below. It is an introduction, but it may help in the meantime.
akashic record

This implant removal felt like a real surgery and the effects were striking .. felt different than a “normal energetic block clearing“. I am still integrating.

I am connecting to much higher energies as a result of your healings & trainings Mia. I’m also feeling much more connected to others & to my body. I feel so aligned to your energy & teachings & I’m so grateful to have been guided to you. This work is truly next level as you said it was, I under-estimated your words lol….  I’m feeling so clear & fully aligned to my purpose after working with you.

Highly highly recommend Mia’s work, the trainings, the readings &  healings. She is a gem of wisdom & knowledge. Thank you so much!! Please keep sharing your knowledge. Sending love Anna

Anna-Lena Gherman, Portugal

Akashic Reader & Somatic Bodywork Coach

As we transition through this intense ascension timeline, our collective 3D Blueprint is being upgraded, a result of the shift in planetary frequency, & thus it is bringing up a lot of multi-level personal & generational ancestral wounding, needing deeper level alchemy, so we may collectively embody the new higher light/plasma codes that are assisting this planetary process.

As a result of this dimensional integration, I believe we are experiencing much more etheric & astral interferences from unseen forces attempting to prevent this collective embodiment so they may continue their nefarious self serving agendas, keeping humanity enslaved within the control matrix. 

In my experience, healing & transformation begins with understanding our own personal human design, our multidimensional & generational blueprint/DNA.

Science teaches that the physical body is made up of cells that have the potential to self regulate.  As Humans, we have the capacity to assist & deepen this process by understanding & healing our ancestral history.  We each have the innate intelligence, & capability should we choose this journey.

We can ‘inherit’ mental, emotional & spiritual entities & behaviourial patterns from our bloodline & societal environments that influence how we express & interact with the world at large, however, we are all born with a unique signature template, so we do not have to be defined by these conditions, nor do we need to ‘accept’ our genetic make up.

The body has its own capacity & ability to regenerate when given the correct environment. DNA changes & our cellular system restores itself cyclically.  Each organ/cell has it’s own specific timeline of restoration & regeneration, & together with our intention to change, & tapping in to our unique powers, we can shift & transmute all illness & disease, & clear all external intrusions, if we CHOOSE to.

The mainstream narrative (belief projection) is that as we age we will become sick, so the collective accept & believe this narrative, & so what happens, we become sick. Of course the body will age, it is part of the human process, but that does not mean we need to accept illness as part of our process. We can all retain longevity & health & live long healthy lifestyles if we have awareness.

We do not need to remain subservient to the control mechanisms that attempt to govern & enslave our planet through these distorted system.

Change starts with each one of us doing the deeper inner work, & liberating ourselves from these intrusions. 

Self Sovereignty is KEY to freedom.


Good morning Mia, sharing my incredible meditation this morning with your implant removal meditation after our session, and what I found was an implant from my third eye leading down to my endocrine system. As I was shrinking it, I started to feel the pull in my sacral and then I pulled it out and physically felt and saw it pulling up and out. It was incredible but actually knocked me a little sick at the time, as it was so intense. Feeling so much lighter now though.

Thank you so much for your wisdom & guidance! Kerry

Kerry Bavin, UK

Soul Triage Energy Healer

Mia I just wanted to share how much the maharic shield technique is changing my life and my deep thanks for guiding us through this process. For months before I knew Mia was teaching it I kept feeling promoted to work with it but knew little about it . I no longer feel subject to psychic attacks & have been able to help my son with his attacks. The power and deep healing is like nothing I have ever known .I truly feel I am coming home after a very long time away when I do it thank you so much Mia.


Helen Morgan, UK

Body Code Practitioner & Prosperity Coach