Akashic Record Facilitator Training – Advanced Level For Healers > OPEN HERE < 

  • Next online immersion training diploma starts September 14 & 15
  • 4 x intensive immersion weekends over a 16 week period
  • This is an advancement program for experienced Energy Healers/Reiki level 2 & 3 Practitioners/Spiritual Teachers/Coaches/Way-Showers 

1-2-1 Hyperdimensional Entity & Implant Removal Course > OPEN HERE <

  • A 2 days intensive – Open to Spiritual Seekers/Practitioners
  • A self healing course to learn about hyperdimensional entities & implants & how to locate & remove these intrusions – for DNA & Bio Spiritual Regenesis.
  • Schedule to fit around you

1-2-1 Akashic Record Foundation – Beginner Level Training > OPEN HERE <

  • A 1-2-1 introduction training for those called to the akashic records – access your Soul Record & clear your own negatives karmas for bio spiritual healing/growth & advancement.
  • Available to fit around your schedule – contact Mia to arrange.

Multidimensional Healing & Embodiment: ONLINE Course > OPEN HERE

  • An online inner alchemy & self study program for Healers/Seekers/Wayshowers seeking to dive deeper into healing & 15 Dimensional energy mechanics.
  • Consists of 13 x webinars: includes learning content + guided healings/clearing/spiritual & energy transformation.
  • Light Body Reconfiguration/Multidimensional Healing for Monadic/Avatar embodiment.
  • Clearing occult / hyperdimensional entity & implant intrusions.


Please feel free to reach out for a free discovery call if you have any questions or need guidance on which program is suitable for you.

Text me via WhatsApp or Telegram:  +44 7496454628

or email: inner.alchemy@miarenner.com

Akashic Record