Welcome to this Free Akashic Healing space.

Here you can access some of my free ‘introductory’ akashic/quantum healings & short vlogs, where I share my thoughts about current energies & ascension updates.

I will be going live again next week with more content, so don’t forget to open & subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to be notified.

If you are inspired by my work & want to go deeper in to more advanced healing techniques, you may feel called to join one of my upcoming akashic training programs, experience an Akashic Record Reading /or a Quantum Recoding – Bio Spiritual Healing, or join my monthly embodied healers membership. Embodied Healer – Advanced Mastery Portal

Head up to the menu tab to search, & reach out for a free discovery call if you need any guidance or would like to connect.

Happy watching. Loving blessings. Mia

WhatsApp  +44 7496454628

akashic record. quantum healing