Akashic Record Readings & Template Recoding

During our many lifetimes, we experience all the polarities that life has to offer: joy, wonderment, abundance, & trauma, pain & suffering.

Our personal & collective experiences create thousands of karmic contracts & agreements that bind us to other souls & timeline matrices.
These karmas consist of varying polarities of positive & negative/dark & light, that create quantum entanglements/enmeshments with our loved ones, some assist us, while others limit us.
As a result we experience energetic intrusions, soul fragmentation, mental/emotional & spiritual disturbances from the soul binding & toxic trauma bonding contracts we create, that often instigate entity attachments, implants & other such.
We may also inherit the karmic debt from our bloodlines & the collective, inter-generational trauma & unhealed pain & terror, all of which can create multi level distortions that trigger unexplained emotions: anger, panic, worry, anxiety, despair, distress, etc.
All the above can keep individuals & collective societies stuck in negative loops of victimhood & disempowerment holding patterns, or stuck in programs of fight/flight/freeze, dissociation/withdrawal, physical pain & sickness through disembodiment.
We experience interference & energetic manipulation from external sources, subconscious imprint projections from false belief systems, mind control programming, black magic, & vampiric grid implant technology.

Akash is a Sanskrit word that translates as ether/space or consciousness.

Every expression of energy, ie, our experiences, thoughts, feelings, & choices, has its own signature consciousness or frequency intelligence/code, all of which is recorded & held within the macro & micro cosmos of the collective & individual quantum, or akashic fields.

This highway of intelligence is stationed within the 5th dimensional higher frequency planes of our cellular & energy body consciousness & this intelligence shapes our gene codes & energetic encryption

Every choice/action we initiate, has a consequence = Karma. These consequences affect us positively or negatively, depending on the choice we make. Karma creates more karma, & eventually becomes subconscious patterning, & when negative, creates distortions in our energetic anatomy.
The purpose of this powerful work is to identify & clear these multi-level distortions so we may open ourselves up to limitless possibilities. When we restore our fields, we organically re-activate a resonance with the higher harmonics of the higher planes/dimensions, so we are better able to communicate with Source & our own ‘higher wisdom intelligence’ & be guided from this higher field of consciousness, rather than the limitations of the lower mind/wounded ego.
I access your Records to identify the above, to locate what is causing you pain or blocking growth & potential, to help you to make sense of & resolve what is happening within your own reality field.
We work together to release & TRANSFORM the life/soul blocking pains that keep you locked or stuck in destructive cycles that limit your potential.
My Akashic Programs are carefully structured ‘accelerator’ pathways to a comprehensive & WHOLISTIC DEEP DIVE TRANSFORMATION & LIBERATION so you may activate your divine true purpose & potential.
Whether you need guidance with personal healing/transformation, manifesting, letting go of past, moving forward with relationships, career goals, seeking psychic or spiritual development, or simply to live a more harmonious lifestyle free from pain, then book a reading/clearing, & allow yourself the opportunity to unleash your TRUE potential, to evolve & grow.
Each program is a 30 days reprogramming & energetic integration.
The reading is done remotely, & then we connect via zoom to do the akashic/light body healing & clearing.
Once I received your payment confirmation, I will contact you for the details I need to access your Records.
Ready to break free from ALL the constraints?
See Akashic Reading options below.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you need guidance.
I also teach this body of work to Healers/Teachers/Way-showers ready to expand & grow their healing businesses. If you are called to learn how to do this for others. For info click  HERE – Akashic Record Practitioner Training
spiritual reading
“This is the BEST reading I have ever had Mia, & I have had a quite a few Akashic, readings, wow I am blown away by your accuracy..I need to tell all my friends & clients about you, as it will help so many to move on & clear their business abundance blocks. Thank you so much”
Manda – Coach, Majorca

What Can You Expect:
  • Re-wire core subconscious blocks that keep you stuck in those negative patterns & fear based survival loops.
  • Clear field distortions that block you from accessing your own higher wisdom intelligence/intuition, & keep you perpetuating low frequency.
  • Activate & develop your psychic intuition by upgrading & re-configuring the Light Body architecture.
  • Greater manifesting abilities: One can only manifest their soul aligned desires when one clears the blocks that prevent one from attracting an abundant flow of pure potential.
  • Unlock your gifts/qualities/attributes so you may activate your creative channels, & re-align to your Soul Path/Purpose, & authentic Divine Truth.
  • Healing personal/family/intimate relationships: Liberation from negative family/relational patterns. Inner Alchemy is the greatest gift we can actualise, for ourselves, our own family relationships, our bloodline ancestors & humanity at large.
  • Healing the ROOT/CORE wounds > quicker more sustainable HEALING.
  • DNA Activations > unlock your psychic multi level powers & ability to read energy encryptions, for greater discernment!
  • Self liberation & empowerment. Courage & FREEDOM TO BE WHO YOU TRULY ARE.
  • To heal & resolve issues within your personal & intimate relationships.
  • Attracting a Soul aligned Tribe/Community/Friends/Lovers/Business Partners etc.
Thank you dear Mia for the amazing work that you do, it is full of so much wisdom & has really helped me to better understand my traumas. The somatic work we did has really shifted alot, wow, I did not expect to have so many spontaneous releases, but they have been so powerful, & each one has released another layer for another pattern to reveal itself. I have been having amazing meditations too, I can really feel my antahkarana channels coming back online 7 I have been able to intuit so much more as a result. You have truly helped me to look at my traumas in a whole new light, & that alone has helped to clear the darkness & density that was holding me down. My partner is really impressed & he even said he was going to call you, & that is something coz he is not tuned in to this work at all lol. Thank you from my bottom of my heart for changing my life!! Love to you. Liv x
Olivia Joy, Sydney

Energy Healer

Quantum Healing