The Witch Trials: Healing Generations Of The Wounded Feminine

Akashic Record

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Healing Generational Witch Wounds

Women have been subjugated for centuries, by men in power, who feared the natural intuitive healing powers of woman, often with the threat of imprisonment, or death, if they did not conform to authoritarian, patriarchal rules.

Any woman that appeared to have psychic abilities or use potions to heal was deemed ‘a witch’ or sorceress, feared & segregated.
This included wives & mothers who just wanted to help their loved ones.

Looking in to the history of ‘the witch trials’, it seems this may have originated with the writings of a book
📕 Malleus Maleficarum 📕written in the mid 1400’s by a disturbed German catholic clergyman, who appeared to be a misogynist with twisted views of something in which he didn’t have the capacity to comprehend.

He wrote that witches were practicing satanism & worshipping the devil, & his book spread amongst the wealthy across Europe & the Americas via the printing press, the equivalent of our modern day internet, & spread fear amongst the ignorant.

In the 16th century, 1 man, King James 1st began a witch hunt, by all accounts he was said to have suffered with paranoia, & was also a misogynist … perhaps a result of being neglected, or abused, by his own mother, & sought his revenge on all women.

Witch hunts were mostly organised by wealthy tyrants, & saw the persecution, terrorisation, shaming & torturing of women from impoverished societies, because they were different, & because most fear what isn’t deemed ‘normal’ by their standards.

Many were innocent of witchcraft but were forced in to false confessions to stop their torture.
The voices of these women pleading innocence were never heard despite the ‘trials’, & resulted in thousands of innocents being buried or burned alive, or hanged for suspected witchcraft ..

These witch hunts targeted those who lived from the land & practiced folk magic, did moon or sun worship ceremonies to cultivate their land/crops, used plant potions as medicine .. nothing unusual in that, we are still practicing these ancient methods now, yet even in many modern societies it is deemed as witchery or woo hoo ..

Those of us who work in this field simply refer to it as ‘paganism’ or ‘shamanism’.

The irony is that these powerful tyrants & kings hired witches & Sorcerors to cast spells on their competitors, spells to befall harm as a way of control.
(This is still happening now, but we can call it mainstream media & it uses mind control tactics via modern technology).

I think many of women in our current reality are still healing from this centuries old persecution, the trauma of being hunted, accused, shamed, & ultimately executed.

I see this generational wounding alot in my client’s akashic readings, particularly when reading for ‘healers’, most having past life persecution & trauma programs from ‘witch wounds’ in their record (cellular body).

We are still seeing this subjugation today in our modern world, more so since the rise of social media, women being targeted & shamed for being popular, confident, beautiful, intelligent, using their voice, even by other women, no less!

Many are still experiencing persecution in the less developed countries where radical misogyny is prevalent. Perhaps they are unaware that they fear women ….. perhaps it is a ‘virus’ carried through the lineage genes, & so the instinct is to belittle, oppress & control women, to ‘keep them small & ‘in their place’ ..

We still see this pattern today, but most accept it as ‘tradition’ .. woman stays home & takes care of the house, children, husband, while man holds the power through a distorted belief that he is the protector … still prevalent in many localities .. oppressed by male dominance.

Women started to push back at this nonsense in the 80’s & 90’s, collectively reclaiming autonomy & independence, finding their voice ..

We have a long way to go, as many women are still carrying these generational trauma imprints.

It’s prevalent in healing circles, with many carrying & perpetuating various levels of fear: fear of being seen & so hide their gifts & abilities so as not to judged, shamed, ridiculed, told we are fake, labelled old crones/witches (I personally carry this label with pride for all the sisters that came before me & chose to help change the world with their magick!)

I healed much of this trauma through my inner work. I saw myself hunted, executed, tortured in other lifetimes/timelines.

I see glimpses of these past life traumas in my client sessions: the witch/healer/persecution wounds, hence why many healers today are still stuck in the safety of a corporate/9-5 job)

However: Many more women are healing from this & stepping into their witchy roles over the last 10 years or so as the energies shift .. liberating from the confines of the mental cages caused by extreme radicalism.

And as this happens, & we collectively liberate, what are we seeing now?

The rise of (toxic) ‘Divine’ masculine coaches, telling women they are emasculating their men, too much in their yang, & to soften in to their yin femininity, to be vulnerable, allowing their man to step in to his “natural protective man power” & thus allowing the woman to “receive so she may tend to her children”!?

It is passive aggressive patriarchy!

So.. How Can We Heal All Of This?

Take a moment & honour your sister’s & brothers, all those who came before us who had their lives taken, just because they were in touch with our God given birth rite, our mystical abilities, our angelic gifts, intuition, & ability to transfer energy…

Forgive all the ignorant who had zero compassion through their own toxic fears, so we can all move on & dissolve this trauma & patriarchal ruling .. the tyranny that is still happening, where men still get to say what a woman can do with her body ..
(Referring to the 2022 ruling in the USA where women lost their bodily autonomy..)

Lets dissolve ALL the fear & pain so our sisters & brothers can come together in equal stance, that we may all live in harmony & help each other, coming back to heart based living.

If you wish to go deeper in to shadow body healing & transform your pains, blocks & limitations, see web page below about my Akashic Reading program, if you wish to dive deeper in to healing this collective shadow 💜

This is an intensive 30 days realignment & integration protocol to shift all that is preventing you from fulfilling your actual potential.

I also have a course to heal witch wounds for those called to go deeper & also learn more about this.

This will begin in mid Februsary & run for 4-6 weeks.

For Booking, Visit Link Here

#witchyvibes #AkashicReading

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