Quantum Healing Sessions

15-Dimensional Bio Energetic Template Transfiguration: This program is to help each individual integrate & embody the intelligence of their own Quantum Field, so the illusions & limitations of the 3D matrix dissipate as each activates their multi-dimensional abilities, & so the body/mind structures may begin the natural process of eliminating the myriad of multi-level distortions from within the bio-energy fields, facilitating an alchemical symbiosis & regenesis so each may unlock limitless potential in all areas of ones life.

An intensive 15 Dimensional Energetic Anatomy/Core Template Recoding program – for Bio Spiritual Healing Regenesis &
DNA Transfiguration:
Realigning the whole energetic anatomy to its natural state of ‘bio – spiritual’ homeostasis.

This is a more advanced alchemical healing method that helps to clear entities, implants, imprint distortions from within the multidimensional body, & restore the core (Kathara) Light Body templates: the embodied & morphogenetic chakras & corresponding merkabah toroidal fields, & dna template.

This comprehensive healing program works to facilitate the natural transfiguration of our organic multidimensional bodies, & the 5/6/7D soul blueprint, through the reconfiguration of the higher Merkabah fields.

This helps the progressive embodiment of our Higher Station of Identity & Awareness: The Over-Soul/Monad & Avatar Body’s.

About This Program

Recommendation is to participate in the full Elite program for optimal results, with weekly or fortnightly sessions to allow for progressive integration & transfiguration of the whole Light Body anatomy.

* There will then be a recommended 30 days integration period between the 2 x steps to allow for 15D template integration & embodiment.

The whole process will actualise over a number of weeks, dependant on your body & how long it takes the bio spiritual/energetic bodies to re-program, adjust & restore the core templates. The body intelligence knows what you can withstand, & will adjust itself accordingly.

This intensive Quantum Healing process will upgrade & restore ALL the bio spiritual & energetic body’s, & cellular memory systems over an integration period of 2-4 weeks depending on the level of distortion in the pain & shadow body’s, however, it is an ongoing process as it will faciliate huge changes in the Spirit & Light Body Anatomy, so the changes will continue to occur over many months.

You may or may not need another follow up session after a few weeks/months to assist the embodiment of the transfiguration process. As such, I recommend to wait at least after 6 weeks after the Step 2 session, but of course there may be stubborn miasms/energy blocks/implants/entities etc that may need deeper work, particularly if you continue repeating the same negative patterns, as this will just create new blocks & distortions, & the implants & entities can re-attach.

You may also feel like you require a monthly rebalancing session to assist the integration process as the work can create energetic/emotional/mental body dissonance as the bodies shift into a frequency that you may not be used to. However, temporary dissonance is a very common part of the process.


Quantum Recoding: kathara template reconfiguration, merkabah reconfiguration > maharic recoding > maharic shield activation > amorea flame body integration > antahkarana/monadic healing > removing crystal seals & associated holographic implant overlays > chakra & merkabic field integration > soul/monadic/avatar integration & embodiment > DNA recoding – restoring the original diamond crystalline body – the original indigo/angelic human template.

Transfiguration of the 15 dimensional auric shield – for spiritual strengthening & protection, to repel intrusions.

The core of the work is done during reconfiguration of any template mutations – the (dormant/distorted) Merkabah – Light Body shield, Kathara Grid – core embodied template, & DNA Silicate Matrix.

The Merkabah Fields are part of our 15 dimensional Spirit body architecture, & holds our individualised encryption, the two interconnected tetrahedrons (pyramids) facilitate the sacred unification of the masculine (electrical cosmic current) & feminine (magnetic earth current) consciousnesses, our personal electro-magnetic frequency.

The upper & lower pointing tetrahedrons (or gender fins) are portals or access points for Cosmic & Planetary Light & faciliate the integration of our two primary energetic currents (electrical & magnetic) the ‘frequency fencers’ have distorted through collective & planetary field manipulation, their goal, to keep humanity phase locked in to the limitations of the lower third dimensional frequency band.

The Core template is stationed inside the larger merkaba body, it is part of our embodied geometric anatomy.

This intensive healing will help to release implant & entity intrusions & associated template distortions, liberating you from occult /hyperdimensional intrusions, the subconscious limitations & manipulations of the 3D matrix, & from the confines of your own mental & emotional pains & restrictions.

It will facilitate what ever it is you are ready for, & what your body can handle.

But what you can expect is to feel very differently about yourself & how you view the world at large, through the organic ‘re-birthing’ process.

** You will also be given GUIDED HEALING techniques to support & continue your inner work processes, to maintain spiritual symbiosis.

Step 1. The Reconfiguration: Merkabic Template Recoding

During this first part of the healing I work to reconfigure the primary template light body architecture through the merkaba vessel, which will facilitate the natural process of template ‘re-structuring’ of ones organic energy body anatomy, to improve the flow of spiritual/pranic life force, which will facilitate the removal & release of multi-level distortions caused by the myriad of karmic miasms – particle clusters from ancestral/inter-generational/collective imprinting, spiritual, mental & emotional body imprints, hyperdimensional entity attachments, etheric & alien implants, quantum entanglements/psychic chords/hooks/plugs, etc.

Reconfiguration involves making intentional changes to an existing configuration with the aim of enhancing functionality, efficiency, &/or adaptability. It entails a systematic process to achieve a desired outcome > to restore & improve optimal Spiritual or Divine Order within the body systems, so that natural transfiguration may actualise. This is a powerful process that will facilitate shifts within the bio energetic templates, & assist any pain & dis-ease in the body.

RECOMMEND WEEKLY/FORTNIGHTLY SESSIONS for optimum reconfiguration & to prepare for the step 2 Transfiguration. We will discuss this together after each session, depending how you processes the work.

Step 2. The Transfiguration: Maharic Core Template Recoding

This second part of the healing involves working on transforming the Kathara Core template by process of Maharic embodiment through a natural transfiguration process, working with the organic Kundalini (not the false light serpent energy) & Plasmic currents.
Transfiguration refers to the process of transforming something that alters the fundamental qualities or essence of something in order to optimise its’ systems. This is a natural facilitation process: I work with the body’s own kathara core template to transform & thus restore the original Human Angelic Creation Blueprint, the energetic anatomy’s organic state, prior to receiving multi-level distortions caused by miasmic build up from eons of metatronic grid reversals & DNA mutations.
The transfiguration process will facilitate the dormant higher Dimensional subharmonic anatomy to naturally & progressively release the dimensional phase-locing, so each my re-integrate & embody the Higher Light key codes & hydroplasmic plasma currents of the primal light & sound fields, our multidimensional ancestral lineage.

Get Started From As Little As £122
Option 1.
Single Session: £122

1 x step 1 session

Harmonises & facilitates a reconfiguration of the chakras, DNA, clearing energetic blocks/entities/psychic hooks etc. & progressively upgrades the light body to 5/6/7D – soul awareness & embodiment.

Option 2. Trinity Package: £333

3 x sessions: Includes: 1 x step 1 session + 2 x step 2 session

Will restore chakra, DNA & energy body distortions & remove superficial entities/etheric implants, & progressively upgrades the light body upward to 7/8/9D Monadic awareness & embodiment (depending on the quantum currents the body can hold).

Option 3.
Elite Package: £499

5 x sessions – Includes: 2 x step 1 sessions + 3 x step 2 sessions

The best value!

5 x sessions are recommended to optimise 15 – Dimensional transfiguration & clear deep rooted hyperdimensional entities/implants/imprint distortions, & progressive soul/monadic/avatar 10/11/12D awareness & embodiment.

Begin Your Multidimensional Healing Journey Now


Duration – approx 60 – 70 mins each session

We will meet briefly via Zoom so I may attune to your Multidimensional Body & Merkabah Fields.
You will be required to lay down in a quiet un-interrupted space for a minimum of 60 mins while I run a template scan to see what needs releasing from your bio energy systems, & run the frequencies through your Kathara/Light Body Template. I will explain more on a video call once you have booked.

If you have any health issues or unprocessed trauma or any other concerns, please contact me to determine if this intensive process is right for you at this time, as this healing method is intense & may overwhelm the electrical circuitry if your nervous system is already overwhelmed due to any dysregulation/trauma/PTSD or C-PTSD.

WhatsApp: +44 7496454628

Email: inner.alchemy@miarenner.com


Marie Johnson
Marie Johnson
Soul Alignment Healer
“I have manifested so much since we started this training, downloads, inspiration, so much energy, I feel cleaner in my body, manifested more soul aligned clients who are more than happy to pay my coaching prices, had so much incredible business interaction, really feel like I’ve found the missing piece & this training is bringing everything together! I’ve also done lots of trainings, & nothing has come even close to this work. So grateful to you Mia, & so happy I was guided to you xx”
Kerry - UK
Kerry - UK
Soul Healer
“As you Know Mia, I’m already a quantum healer, but I have never experienced anything so powerful as your activations & attunements, & your guided healing meditations truly are so very powerful! I Have done many trainings over the years, & NOTHING comes close to the work I have done with you! I have learned so much! My body is changing, I am receiving so many downloads & creative inspiration, I can see more detailed information in the energy fields of my clients, its like my third eye has fully activated after the Pineal Activation meditation! I am so happy I was recommended to you by my friend Helen who also did your training. My clients are commenting about how my healings have intensified & become more powerful, & they are having amazing shifts too! Thank you so much. Kerry”.