Spiritual / Psychic / Psychotronic Manipulation

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Welcome to WordPress. This is your fiSpiritual Protection & Discernment – From Dark Light Interferences

During this intense period of planetary realignment, the veils between dimensions are progressively thinning due to the planetary frequency accretion, facilitating a larger collective body of dimensional ascension.

While there always has been the presence of dark energies due to millions of years of galactic/spiritual warfare, now more than ever there is a greater presence of false/dark light manipulation within our dimensional space time matrix due to the more accessible ‘portal time travel’ (quantum jumping), & beings cleverly masquerading as ‘healing’ light.

During this time it is vital we up our psychic protection, & use spiritual & energetic discernment to ‘evaluate’ energetic encryption > to know/feel the difference between negative/heavy/dark/dense inorganic energies, versus light organic expansive energies.

These intrusions are actualised through different methods:

  • artificial intelligent software – ‘thought broadcast’ programming (AI/Alien technology)
  •  black magic ‘hive mind’ control implants
  • metatronic implants: specifically addiction & trauma implants
  • negative lower astral/inter-hyperdimension Beings who surround themselves with holographic light masquerading as angels & ascended masters or even departed loved ones/pets, to ‘trick’ people in to contracting with them
  • humans who are unconsciously (which is concerning) working with or being hosted by dark light entities who manipulate their hosts thoughts/energy, using them to drive their negative astral agendas & vampire/loosh the life force of those they interact with.

Here is my go to methods to eliminate any interference from the above mentioned:

I muscle test everything!

I ask if whatever Im working with is of organic/eternal light, or in alignment with my highest soul path & purpose.
If the answer is yes I work with ‘it’ if not I repel & block it…

I do this with people too, to check for false/dark light distortions.
I ask “is this xyz/name of person (or their training course, healing/meditation/event /music etc) working with pure organic eternal living light” or “is this xyz persons’ encryption 100% organic & in alignment with the true mspirit of eternal living light consciousness

These are just a few examples of what I teach my clients/students to better discern energies/encryptions during my training programs.

NOTE: In order to muscle test & receive TRUTH ~ ACCURATE guidance/intelligence, one MUST be in an altered state of consciousness ~ a theta brainwave > the higher mind or super-consciousness, in order to bypass any manipulation from the ego/thinking mind which can give false positives.

When I say I muscle test ‘people’ I refer to any teacher/facilitator/healer that I may be drawn to work with, as I want to affirm that I am working with true organic light & not dark/false light energy.

** I do NOT muscle test ‘random’ people, that would be unethical.

If I identify that a said person is not working with organic/eternal light, I ask if their intentions are good/pure/innocent, because many dont know they have a dark light entity manipulating their fields or their thoughts etc, so its not that said individual is ‘bad’ its what is lurking ‘behind’ them, in their holographic field, & why ..

** Also it is important to note that if an individual muscle tests positive for dark light distortions, it may be from an emotional/mental block, an implant, an entity hopped in to tveir field from a client, or their own unhealed traumas showing up, so please do not judge or fall in to any fear based campaigns against them, because if/when said healer/facilitator becomes aware they will hopefully do their own healing/shadow work to clear their own entities.
This can happen to ALL of us, at any time.

As a healer, I know when I have any entity manipulation, Im pretty good at discerning frequency levels, or when my thoughts are being manipulated or when/if I have an implant etc so I work on clearing it, & while its present I dont work with clients, I take a pause.

In my experience & what I have witnessed in clients so far, most entities are pretty harmless for the most part, they are just vampiring, sucking/draining our energy, which can make us physically sick if not cleared, as they loosh our vital force energy… however, there are negative entities that are malevolent & use an individual to drive their negative astral agendas to create collective disorder/distortion, so its good to be aware…

We can also muscle test to see exactly who & what the entity is, what it wants, or how harmful it is.

Most importantly, entities attach to our fears, unresolved pain & trauma/shadow body.. they can manipulate our issues & twist them to facilitate more pain & fear, causing us to become locked in perpetual negative cycles so they can continue their looshing, so it is fundamental to do your inner work & maintain energetic & mind mastery: conscious awareness of what you are engaging in, & your negative patterns, so you can make more conscious choices to change a negative habit/pattern, which naturally alchemises associated negative energies.

“Energy cannot be cleared, it can only be alchemised/transformed”

So alchemising our own energy is a fundamental part of doing our own inner shadow work. We dont need to go to healers, we just need conscious self awareness to make the inner changes, mental awareness, as this is what affects & influences our behaviours/interactions/beliefs/perspectives/fears etc, thus our energy.. working on the mental body is KEY 🔑

Hope this little article gave you some food for thought.

If you would like to work with me either on a 1-2–1 basis or participate in my Akashic Record/Quantum Bio Spiritual Regenesis Facilitator Training programs, please visit the menu tab to check out upcoming programs, or contact me to book a free discovery call if you need any guidance on how I may assist you on your own unique Soul path.

With love

Creator & Educator @
Akashic Ascension Academy

  • Akashic Record Facilitator Training
  • Akashic Record Readings/Healings
  • Quantum Recoding: Bio Spiritual Healing & Regenesis
  • Shadow Body Alchemy
  • Spiritual Development/Guidance & Mentoring

Email me @  inner.alchemy@miarenner.com

Text me via WhatsApp @ +44 7496454628Copyright (c) Mia Renner
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