Akashic Record Readings

You are here because you need help to identify or access the hidden / shadow ASPECTS causing you pain & frustration, so you can FINALLY RELEASE the ROOT of what is REALLY blocking your progress & potential!
You feel like you are stuck in endless cycles of symptom healing, peeling back layers that just keep reappearing, again & again, because the CORE WOUND you can't ACCESS keeps you creating & perpetuating more of the same!
Your own negative thoughts keep you sabotaging & procrastinating, you feel you should be free of the very thing you help others with, YOU FEEL like an imposter!

You struggle with self doubt & lack belief in your own abilities, disempowered & insecure.
You have an unexplainable fear of letting your clients down, or being judged/mocked, so you hide your potential, doing a huge disservice your community.
The ROOT may be a WITCH WOUND, negative IMPLANTS or ENTITY attachments or quantum entanglements from past life traumas / childhood experiences, it may be 'INNER DEMONS' or FALSE GUIDES / SPIRITUAL PARASITES manipulating or sucking your energy.
Book an AKASHIC READING today, so you get back to focusing on your expansion! MORE INFO BELOW!


During this Akashic Reading I will look for discordant shadow body programs that negatively IMPACT you, & influence the life blocking limitations preventing you from meeting yourself at the level of your true highest potential!

We work together to *instantaneously* release the unhealed wounds that are currently limiting you & causing disruptions: 

karmic/toxic soul contracts, trauma / witch wounds, soul & entity attachments, astral attacks / psychic intrusions etc. & then we will recode your energetic / multidimensional blueprint, so you may RECLAIM & realign to your SOUL POWER & INNER AUTHORITY & manifest your desired intentions! 

This knowledge is the fundamental first step in progressively releasing that which is keeping you stuck.

This stuckness is often rooted in negative entanglements & enmeshments with loved ones/timelines or even places & other realms, that leave miasmic imprint distortions in the memory layers of our body consciousness: the soul (etheric/astral) & cellular (DNA) templates, that negatively impact us, & keep us stuck in perpetual cycles of survival & fear programming: worry, anxiety, even terror & panic.

Our past experiences &  entanglements may also result in psychic/astral field disturbances: intrusions, entity attachments, fragmentation, etheric implants, soul binding or toxic trauma bonding contracts & other such.

Sadly, most of humanity is still locked in collective generational pain & trauma cycles, perpetuated by unseen forces. 

The pains of wars & genocides/famines & such continues to hold societies in unending patterns of fear & subservience, & it takes the courage of the minority, we, who have come here to help to return our planet to some kind of spiritual homeostasis & harmonic symbiosis.

During our many lifetimes on this lower plane, we have experienced eons of the varying shades of polarity that our 3D life has to offer, & as such, we create hundreds to thousands of karmic soul contracts & agreements that can bind us to other souls/beings, systems & timelines, all of which influences our current state of being & how we interact with the world at large.


Akashic Record
Akashic Record Courses


In other lifetimes, we may have experienced victimization from genocides, wars, famines, social & economic strife, betrayal, abandonment, abuse.

We may have been persecutors, perpetrators: soldiers, warlords, black witches, sorcerers, all areas where we misused our gifts, magic, power, thus creating blocks to our higher aspects, or our creative gifts, power/magic in this current lifetime.

We call this unjustified karma, as our soul may have chosen to self punish, until we have learned valuable lessons, or reached a level of redemption/self forgiveness.

We inherit karmic debt from our bloodlines & collective ancestors, inter-generational trauma, unhealed pain & terror, all of which can trigger unexplainable terror, anger, panic, worry, anxiety, despair, distress, etc.

We experience interference & manipulation from external sources: religion, false belief systems, mind control programming/thought broadcasts, black magic, looshing from vampiric grid technology designed to keep humanity disconnected from their soul body due to dimensional phase locking, (faciliated by DNA reversals), to keep us unconsciously trapped in this lower realm.

All of the above experiences can keep us perpetually locked inside victim, martyr, disempowerment & other such default meta programs that distort the DNA & nervous system keeping individuals locked in patterns of dissociation, withdrawal, isolation & disembodiment, ultimately blocking one’s potential to fully heal & re-embody one’s multidimensionality, or attaining spiritual sovereignty & integrating their Human & Divine purpose.

About The Session

This is a carefully structured ‘accelerator’ program, offering a WHOLISTIC DEEP DIVE TRANSFORMATION & LIBERATION so you may activate your divine true purpose & potential.

Whether you need guidance with personal healing / transformation, manifesting abundance, letting go of past, moving forward with relationships, career goals, seeking psychic or spiritual development, or simply to live a more harmonious lifestyle free from pain, then book a reading/clearing, & allow yourself the opportunity to unleash your TRUE potential, to evolve & grow.

Each program is a 30 days template reprogramming & energetic integration.

The akashic reading is facilitated remotely, & the akashic clearing/healing is facilitated via a zoom session.

Ready to BOOK & break free from ALL the constraints?

See Akashic Reading options below, then tap the booking button to be directed to the payments.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you need guidance.

Part 1: The Akashic Reading

I access your Akashic Record/Field to identify the above afore mentioned issues to locate the root of what is causing you spiritual, mental/emotional pain, limitation, or blocking abundance, love, success, growth & creative potential, to help you to make sense of & resolve what is happening within your current reality.

Akashic Record Reading

Part 2: Quantum Healing - Recoding

I clearing the root what has identified within your Record, & realigning your akashic field.
Then I work on reconfiguring your multidimensional templates & Merkabah fields to recalibrate resonance within the harmonics/octaves of the higher planes/dimensions, allowing your consciousness to progressively re-connect to Source intelligence & re-integrate your own inherent wisdom intelligence, to be guided from this higher realm of consciousness, rather than the illusions & limitations of the lower mind/wounded ego.

The Akashic Reading Programs:

Program 1: Past & Present Life Healing

This is my core signature program, created specially for those who are stuck in any are of their life, lost their magic/mojo, unable to embody their soul purpose & potential, & struggling with repeat patterns that block or limit abundance in all areas of life: relationships, work, business, family, community.

This program will help to collapse the old timelines so you may release/transform your pains & limitations, so you re-create a more fulfilled & harmonious abundant life.

Program 2: Elite Program For Healers, Indigos & Soulpreneurs

This is an extra special & very unique program intensive consisting of 2 x separate readings + clearings & healings, including an energetic business realignment, designed to liberate Healers & Way-showers / Soulpreneurs from the pains & limitations preventing them from success & actualising the full range of potential within their healing & soul work.

This clearing will help you to feel a huge sense of release as you are liberated from past healer/witch wounds & spiritual toxicity, so you begin to feel more empowered as a leader of your craft, & see yourself in a new light, as the higher paradigm shifts are integrated in to your reality, for more success!

Program 3: Ancestral Reading & Healing

I will look in to the Akashic Record of your bloodline lineages to identify unconscious root block shadow programs inherited from your bloodlines by way of subconscious & energetic imprinting & family patterns: trauma wounds, limiting beliefs, fears, behavioural patterns.

This clearing will help individuals to heal from their family karma, liberating both you & your ancestral lines from unserving soul contracts & karmic debt.

You are here, as you chose to be the pattern breaker.

Program 4: Energetic Space Clearing & Realignment For Properties & Businesses

Helping individuals to clear field disturbances in their personal space/home/business/land.

Just as we need energetic/soul realignment & entity clearing, so too do our homes, properties, businesses, & land around us, especially when there is a lot of ‘traffic’ in & out of our fields: healers receiving clients who are carrying baggage – density / entity/psychic attachments & other such in to our personal spaces, that can, if we are not dilligent with our own field/space clearing, attach to our home/space/property, energy fields, & leak out in to our daily lives, potentially affecting our environment or those in our space, such as family members & even pets.

Benefits Of Receiving An Akashic Reading:

Re-wire core subconscious blocks that keep you stuck in those negative patterns & fear based survival loops, liberating you.

Activate & develop your psychic abilities as your Light Body templates are cleared, re-configured & thus up-stepped.

Greater manifesting abilities: One can only manifest their soul aligned desires when one clears the blocks that prevent one from attracting an abundant flow of pure potential.

Unlock your gifts/qualities/attributes so you may activate your creative channels, & re-align to your Soul Path/Purpose, & authentic Divine Truth.

Healing personal/family/intimate relationships. as you liberate from negative bloodline patterns, this is the greatest gift we can actualise, for ourselves, our own family relationships, our bloodline ancestors & humanity at large.

Heal the ROOT/CORE wounds to achieve more rapid & sustainable HEALING.

DNA Activations to unlock your psychic multi level powers & ability to read energy encryptions, for greater discernment!

Self liberation & empowerment. Courage & FREEDOM TO BE WHO YOU TRULY ARE.


To heal & resolve issues within your personal & intimate relationships.

Activating an organic path to SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT & personal/soul GROWTH, SELF EMPOWERMENT & LIBERATION.

Attracting a Soul aligned Tribe, Community, Friends, Lovers, Business Partners etc.

Akashic Reading Testimonials
Anna - Lena
Anna - Lena
Yoga Teacher, Embodiment Coach & Spiritual Mentor
Wow Mia I’m blown away by this training, it is so powerful, I have cleared so much over the last year since working with you after the akashic reading, & now with the training. The meditation journeys & clearings we have done are so incredibly powerful!
Anna - Lena
Anna - Lena
Yoga Teacher, Embodiment Coach & Spiritual Mentor
Wow Mia I’m blown away by this training, it is so powerful, I have cleared so much over the last year since working with you after the akashic reading, & now with the training. The meditation journeys & clearings we have done are so incredibly powerful!

Program 1: Past & Present Life Healing

Investment: £333

This is a my core program, created specially for those who are stuck in their life, lost their magic/mojo, unable to embody their soul purpose & potential, & everyday struggling with repeat patterns that block or limit abundance in all areas of life: relationships, work, business, family, community.

This program will help you to transform the pains & limitations, so you may live a more fulfilled & harmonious life.

Nobody needs to suffer, however, we can come in to this lifetime with karmic contracts/vows/oaths to punish ourselves in order to learn valuable soul lessons, often I find these are redemption punishment programs, often a result of causing harm to others in other lifetimes. We may also create these suffering programs in our childhood, where there has been family break ups, for example. Self abuse/self harm plays out in many different dynamics.

Our unresolved negative past & present life experiences impact negatively on our present life as we carry the emotional imprints in our soul memory/blueprint, & this leaves negative portal-ways open to that keep part of our quantum held within the associated matrix timeline, known as quantum entanglement. As a result we experience unexplained fears, anxieties, worries, phobias, pains etc.

We often repeat similar patterns in our present life, so by identifying a clearing these stories, it liberates not only our Self, but the energy of the soul attachments involved in our experiences, often loved ones/spouses etc.

I will look in to your record to identify & release/transmute the pains, emotional wounds & limitations that are causing you any disruptions & disturbances: negative past & present life soul contracts & agreements, karmic blocks & patterns, entity & implant attachments, energetic imprint distortions: quantum entanglements with other souls, contracts with imposter beings/guides, toxic soulmate contracts, vows, soul bargains, constraints, curses/spells, master punishment programs, self sabotage, soul fragmentation, trauma wounds, psychic attacks/hooks, negative chords, thought entities, projections, negative portalways/quantum entanglements, negative astral travel.

Identifying, clearing & re-framing these timelines will help to liberate you so that you are able to unlock your pure potential, rather than being limited by the pains, entanglements & energy distortions.

This clearing will help you to feel a huge sense of release, & liberated from the multi-level negativity & toxicity, & begin to feel & see yourself & the world at large, in a new light, as the higher paradigm shifts are integrated in to your reality.

Program 2: Elite Program For Healers, Indigos & Soulpreneurs

Book Full Package for £499 (Saving £56)

This is an extra special & very unique program intensive consisting of 2 x readings + 2 x clearings & healings & an energetic business realignment, to liberate Healers & Way-showers / Soulpreneurs from the pains & limitations preventing them from actaulising the full potential of their soul work.

As a healer/ wayshower / indigo, do you find yourself at the other end of targeted astral / psychic attacks from unseen forces that prevents you from doing your deep soul work or embodying your higher creator potential?

Do you feel your energy is being siphoned by entities, implants/ hooks, keeping you locked in lower density vibrations, & attracting a like vibration?

Are you stuck in perpetual victim/victimiser, victim/saviour, or god/messiah complexes (a need to save everyone, often to pacify or feed your own ego (nobody likes to admit that one, but it is a common issue in many healers!))?

Or maybe you are stuck in imposter syndrome, constantly down on yourself, trapped in ‘whats the point’ energy cycles?
Thoughts not your own? (Hooked in to metatronic technology that broadcasts subtle yet manipulative thought viruses through brain implants)

Healers/Light-workers, Indigos are often targets of narcissistic vampires & their negative agendas as they need our light.

I will identify & release the following blocks so you may liberate yourself & focus on your soul work:

entity attachments / trauma blocks / implants / hooks to false/dark light annunaki astral bliss programs, healer/sorcerer/witch wounds, akashic blocks through misused of gifts, karmic contracts still hooking you in to SRA (satanic ritual agendas) from cults or corrupt spiritual/religious organisations, trauma from persecution / execution /or from being a persecutor or executor, blocks from imposter syndrome, poverty programs, negative collective religious or spiritual beliefs, trauma from soul hijacking or harvesting, dis-ease from spiritual/energetic parasites & chords to associated vampire implants, etc. 

Reading 1. £222

Energetic Business Reading + Clearing & Realignment:

Clearing any intrusive energies that may be creating blocks to you receiving any level of success & abundance in your healing business/energetic space/home that may be caused by disturbances from the land, your environment, or energy field, including spells/hexes, negative intentions, negative thought form entities or viruses from previous occupants of land/property/business, or psychic interferences from envious competitors or disgruntled clients etc.

Reading 2. £333

The Healer’s Reading + Clearing:

Healing past & present life blocks from any healer redemption contracts,  unjustified karma, crucifixion contracts / witch wounds from persecution or execution, blocks from abuse of power or misuse of magic/gifts, anything creating penance/ self punishment / suffering, poverty/victim consciousness / unworthiness/ undeservingness, failure energy, terror, etc that prevents a universal abundant flow.

Book Full Package for £499
(saving £56)

Program 3: Ancestral Reading & Healing

Investment £222


A look in to the Akashic Record of your bloodlines to identify shadow programs inherited from your Mother/Father bloodlines by way of subconscious & energetic imprinting & family patterns: trauma wounds, limiting beliefs, fears, behavioural patterns.

These imprints are often held within our subconscious & cellular body templates. We carry the emotional imprinting from our mother & the dna cellular imprinting from our father, of which are held in the lower 2 chakras.

This reading will help you to address the negative family patterns & personality programs you may be ‘holding’ in your cellular memory from the Mother/Father bloodlines, so we can work to alchemise these inherited limiting/disruptive blocks.

We can inherit physical, mental & emotional wounding from our Mother/Father & bloodlines as early as in utero/pre-birth. We may also inherit Parental trauma during a difficult birth/arrival experience.

As young children, we typically absorb the energy of our environment during the first 7 years of our lives, through the behaviours, expression/language of our parents & grandparents who have not only experienced their own personal traumas/wounds, but inherited & experienced much of the same during their life cycles, as well as inheriting pain from the collective.

These inherited blocks & patterns shape & influence most of our beliefs/fears, & we can go on to manifest the imprints of generational trauma wounding into our own life experiences, & then pass them on to our own children, & so the family consciousness can remain trapped inside a negative energy loops, & the cycle continues until it is consciously transformed by living relatives who chose to take on this pretty big but ever so beautiful responsibility.

I believe this is why many of us are here now, to heal & transform the collective inter-generational wounding, lifetimes of war, famine, genocide, persecution – much of it religious, race & gender related.

By clearing these inherited imprints, we not only liberate ourselves, but also our living & departed family members.

Together we help to restore any ancestral attachments or lost/fragmented energy from our living or departed ancestors, which can draw on our life force energy & leave us feeling drained, fearful or anxious.

This healing is often witnessed by us as subtle energy shifts within our living relatives. We may also feel the shifts within our Family Quantum Field as our Ancestor’s energy is released.

Includes 2 x sessions: The Reading & The Clearing/Healing

Program 4: Energetic Space Clearing For Properties & Business

Investment £222

At some point in our lives, we experience disturbances from aggrieved, angry, resentful or jealous/envious clients, partners, friends, family members, business associates or competitors, etc, all of which can project negative energies by way of thought form entities from projections, ill intentions, hexes/spells, that can also attract more of the same from external entities, all of which may create unexplainable disruptions/disturbances, or strange feelings of discomfort & discombobulation, or general angst, uneasiness, anxiousness, even panic/terror etc..

This akashic reading & space clearing will identify & clear any issues that may be causing blocks or disturbances in your personal space, or business, that leak out in to your personal relationships or business interactions, causing chaos/drama, perhaps preventing abundance, harmony, or growth & expansion within your business.

Just like we, our properties can experience intrusions from lost/wayward souls: ‘unwelcome guests’ from the spirit world. These can be souls who previously lived in the property or on the land the property is now built upon, that may have once been a burial site, battlefield, or sacred/ceremonial ground where satanic rituals were carried out, leaving traumatic energy in the field around the land.

There may be curses or negative thought projections directed at the land, the property/business or even the previous occupants of the land, & there may be negative portals, gateways, or have toxic astral streams running under or around the property, all creating disturbances that can attach to our psyche & the pysche of other occupants or visitors to your property, creating unexplainable mental/emotional disruptions & other such dysfunctions.

Have you ever walked in to a building, or space, & it just felt ‘icky’ & ‘off’? Well imagine if a guest/client came to your property/space & felt the same?

Space clearing is fundamental, & so many do not even think about cleansing their environments, or some think burning a bit of sage will clear their space .. not always. Some energies are dark, malevolent, & actually require neutralising.

Recommended to do after any personal of readings/clearings to realign & harmonise your environment to affirm all entities are removed from both you & your surrounding space.

Also good to do when changing properties, opening a new business or if your business feels sticky, unproductive etc. 

Includes 2 x sessions:

The Reading & The Clearing/Realignment