This program has been created specifically for healers, indigos/starseeds & way-showers, & works on restoring the 12 – Dimensional spirit & light body anatomy, to progressively facilitate a deeper level of alchemy & embodiment, & energetic – mind mastery, so each may spiritually, mentally & energetically re-balance & restore, coming back in to harmonic resonance & homeostasis, actualise ABUNDANT SOVEREIGN potential, mastering their own monadic creator potential, so each may show up as the Leaders & Way-showers they are, for those that need our higher wisdom & guidance!
The core essence of this program is bringing the whole Light Body structure back in to it’s natural resonant state, in alignment with spiritual/universal laws.
Our Light Body can become damaged/distorted over many lifetimes by discordant energies & psychotronic interferences from our past & present life experiences, & the negative constructs & structures we create as a result: implants, entity attachments, quantum entanglements with other souls/beings from unresolved/unhealed karmic contracts, negative contracts & agreements with beings that are disruptive or spiritually toxic, all of which create symptomatic cellular/DNA, mental/emotional & spiritual miasmas & other such field distortions, that prevent us from attaining EMBODIMENT of our organic HIGHER STATIONS OF IDENTITY & AWARENESS; our Soul/Oversoul, Monad/Avatar Consciousness, OUR INTER-DIMENSIONAL IDENTITES.
This course is created so each may attain MULTIDIMENSIONAL EMBODIMENT.
Each session is a combination of learning content & guided healing/activation journeys, to facilitate inner expansion as each participant anchors the higher frequency plasma & light codes via the activations.
The guided transmissions work to reconfigure the energetic & spiritual distortions, subconscious default programs & quantum entanglements that are keeping you locked in lack or limitation loops, by re-coding your DNA template, so each of the dormant subharmonics in each strand will progressively activate, rewiring the higher strands, facilitating a realignment & integration of your ACTUAL soul potential, thus organically collapsing old life blocking timelines, & releasing vibrational density, so you may SELF liberate from the confines & limitations of the 3D control matrix & LIVE as the spiritually sovereign leader you came here to be, to tap in to the powers of Higher quantum frequencies, to Self Activate, to re-attune your soul body, to BE, to heal, to recharge, restore, replenish, to learn more about Quantum CREATION mechanics, to re-code your encryption blueprint & access your unique spiritual gifts & abilities.
When we tap in to our own Quantum/Akashic Reality Fields, we have access to our own inherent multidimensional wisdom & inner knowing, so we may re-define our past, & re-create current higher probability timelines, & anchor that which we now choose.
We just need to restore & re-embody the soul memory codes of our original divine blueprint, & integrate the light body & bio energy templates, allowing the possibilities to unfold, right here, at The Akasha Teachings Academy, where we do all.
Session 1: Anchoring The Inner Mentor /Awakening Higher Senses
Session 2: Collapsing Negative Timelines
Session 3: Merkabah Mechanics /Krystic Symbiosis
Session 4: Clearing Negative Soul Contracts & Life Blocking Programs
Session 5: Soul Matrix. part 1 – Soul Identity Integration
Session 6: Soul Matrix. part 2 – Monadic identity Integration
Session 7: Soul Matrix. part 3 – Avatar Identity Integration
Session 8: 9D Kundalini Integration – Crystal Seal Overlays. Pt 1
Session 9: 9D Kundalini Integration – Crystal seal Overlays. Pt 2
Session 10: 12D Shield integration. Pt 1
Session 11: 12D Shield Integration. Pt 2
Session 12: Kathara healing & 12D Embodiment
PLUS BONUS CONTENT: Entity Clearing Webinar.
NOTE: This is not a certified training, but you will learn many alchemical tools for ascension, soul growth, how to access, utilise & embody the records for your own development & integrate the learning in to your own community if you are an energy-worker/way-shower.
This program is a unique experiential INSCENSION & MASTERY journey designed to help Healers & Way-Showers expand & ADVANCE their Spiritual Master Healer/Leader Potential to become the living embodiment of the TRANSFORMATION they offer/sell to their community.
We do this with continuing development & inner work, so we may serve our community authentically & show up as the best version of ourselves.
As Healers/Way-showers, most of us are running around helping others, neglecting our own needs & the necessary daily Dharma (spiritual practices), & when we are not actively walking the path of the healing & transformation we are offering our clients, we block our own abundance & limit the potentiality available to us within our own Field, doing a great dis-service to our community.
When we are disciplined & do the deeper inner work needed to master our own energy, we transform our pains & limitations & turn them in to our Super Power, & we become embodied experts in our field, which creates the collective clarity needed to flow & attract our soul aligned tribe as we express ourselves more authentically & influence others with our frequency. By the law of resonance, we then organically begin to attract those who seek & need us.
However, the opposite occurs when we are not walking the path we are ‘selling’ (& our community feels this inauthentic vibration).
The result is we can feel like an imposter & so we hide behind our light, sabotaging our abundant potentiality with constant bouts of negative thought looping/self talk, we lack self belief/doubt/trust, our limiting beliefs & fears of not being good enough/of being seen/being judged or ridiculed/failing, which ultimately lowers our vibration, which may leave us vulnerable to picking up/absorbing dark energies/entities from our clients, community & environment, keeping us locked in the lower densities, & blocking multidimensional ascension & embodiment.
Sound familiar? PURCHASE TODAY, WHY WAIT!?