Psychic Protection For HSP’s & Empaths

ARE YOU SUSCEPTIBLE TO ABSORBING ENVIRONMENTAL TOXIC ENERGIES, OR PICKING UP OTHER PEOPLES NEGATIVE ENTITIES? We are all empaths, its the nature of our human design.. we are merely an energy that emits & receives energy so it’s inevitable that we are affected & affect energy around us .. How to help yourself: First;When we […]
Divine Manifestation Declaration

DIVINE MANIFESTATION DECLARATION “I (name) in my Sovereign I Am Presence & the Highest expression of MY truth, fully open to the Divine flow of love, truth & wisdom. I am an aspect of Divine Creation, in manifestation. Divine love, abundance & creativity flows through me at all times. The True One Higher intelligence works through […]
Spiritual / Psychic / Psychotronic Manipulation

Welcome to WordPress. This is your fiSpiritual Protection & Discernment – From Dark Light Interferences During this intense period of planetary realignment, the veils between dimensions are progressively thinning due to the planetary frequency accretion, facilitating a larger collective body of dimensional ascension. While there always has been the presence of dark energies due to […]